Monday, August 3, 2009

Higher Love

At right is a photo of Rodin's sculpture, Fallen Angel. Which does not begin to do her justice. I am completely in love with her. I spent a great deal of time at the Rodin exhibit rapturously transfixed by her. I'm certain the other fifty-nine sculptures felt slighted. I wanted to take her home with me. Inconsistent with my usual attitude of ask away! all they can do is say no! and they might say yes!, I did not ask if this was possible. They just might have said yes. And then, when Fallen Angel came home with me, I would have once again been rapturously transfixed by her. Resulting in me never, ever again accomplishing even the tiniest of tasks. And likely dying unwashed and starved before her in utter adoration. This time it was wiser to limit our relationship to a brief out-of-town affair. It never would have worked.

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