Monday, April 20, 2009

Food for Thought

I know this woman. She's around my age, she's a wife and mother. I like her a lot. She's funny and sincere and kind. And she does something that I just don't understand! She eats and drinks things that she believes, and is probably right about, are healthy for her. I understand that part, be patient. The thing is, she doesn't enjoy many of the healthy things that she consumes. She drinks green tea every day, it took a while for her to get used to the taste, and she still doesn't like it all that well, she's just become accustomed to drinking it. She chokes down a glass of milk most nights with dinner. But she doesn't like it, she drinks it because of the calcium and protein it provides. And she eats bananas even though if she thinks about the texture of the fruit while she's eating it, she's not likely to enjoy it and it almost makes her feel a little sick. I have this theory that whatever you eat, you should consume it with joy and gusto. You know, feed your soul and spirit as well as your physical self. It seems to me that if you eat healthy foods, but you don't enjoy the process, that somehow the nutritious aspect is somewhat diminished. I don't think that you should eat crap and enjoy it and lull yourself into thinking it's good for you! Like this guy I know who is classified as being morbidly obese and yet joyfully pokes frosting slathered cake into his mouth while he laughs about his corpulence. I do believe that joy is a factor that should not be discounted in all the ways it can impact our lives. I'm lucky that most of the things I like to eat are pretty healthy. I love vegetables and olive oil and yogurt and whole grains and salmon. I also love coffee and chocolate and red meat and chips and wine and cream and butter and beer, and, yes, cake. But for the most part I consume these things in moderation. The only edible substance that I feel is truly evil is the trans-fat, which I avoid. I'm also not a big fan of artificial sweeteners or the "lite" version of anything. And I ignore the latest breaking news concerning what is good/bad for you to eat. Inevitably that information has a habit of turning on itself over time. I eat what I love and love what I eat. And I think I'm healthier for it. I'd rather have a small portion of something wonderful that I'll absolutely savor than a bucket full of healthy that I'll have to choke down. It's all about the joy.


Ed said...

I think you might be right. All I eat is pizza. And donuts. Mmmmm...

Bellona of Avalon said...

You might enjoy Paula Deen's signature cheeseburger that is served, not on a bun, oh, no, but rather between two Krispy Kreme donuts!

Tantra Flower said...

I agree that food should be enjoyed. If she is concerned about her health, she should know that many foods provide the same nutrients, it's just a matter of taking the time to research and find the ones that taste delicious to you. And, as you already said, it's OK to eat the "bad" stuff too in moderation. We get this life once. I can't even imagine eating something that I don't love...well, regularly anyway...I have a few raw vegan friends and I always dread their parties because they want me to try their "amazing" raw chocolate (amazingly AWFUL, more like!) lol

Ed said...

Raw chocolate? Please enlighten me just a little bit flower child. I never cook mine and sort of assumed that it was raw.

Tantra Flower said...

Ed, chocolate is cooked in the process of becoming the delicious goodness that we enjoy. I know this thanks to the Food Network. While I don't know exactly how it is made, raw chocolate is grainy, not sweet, and tastes as good as (for lack of a better analogy) dog shit in dirt smells. I've also been served raw pizza, which was equally as gross (i will acknowledge, however, that taste is subjective and somewhere out there there is someone who could possibly make these items delicious.)

The bottom line is that while it is important to eat healthy, we shouldn't have to gag our food down for the sake of it.

Ed said...

Thank you and yes we need to enjoy.