Friday, October 11, 2024

Occam's Razor

The simplest explanation, or in this case, solution, usually is the best one. I never did need a time machine though my angst in that moment suggested it was a perfectly reasonable thing to want to procure. Sometimes it takes only a moment of clarity to find your way back to where you want to be. It's as easy as clicking your heels together and whispering there's no place like home. And it's interesting that my enlightenment took place this week after a morning of having my eyes poked and prodded by numerous optical professionals. Seeing well with my eyes is terribly important and I took measures this week to make sure that continues. Seeing clearly with my intuition and insight required some tweaking as well. Like the dilation drops placed in my eyes letting in the bright light of day, my change of heart and mind also welcomed in the light. Feels good to know that the only thing I need to hide behind now are my sunglasses.


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