Thursday, August 15, 2024

Yes. I'm Overthinking

This has been running about in the back alleys of my brain for a few days now. I have found that the best way to defeat a looping brainworm is to write about it. So here goes. A month ago I posted this. And almost immediately realized I had left something out. Also on Album 3, Track 10 is this line. We didn't get it right but love we did our best. Which further muddies the idea of right and what it might mean in the context of romance. Wait a minute. I'm not fond of the concept of right. As in right-wing politics. Or being right-handed, even though I am right-handed. I likely would have turned out left-handed had my first grade teacher been less hell bent on making me a rightie. By forcing me to sit on my left hand while writing in class. If I had turned out a leftie, does that mean I'd be in my right mind? I don't care so much about being right, but I do care about being heard. When I think of right vs wrong, to me it's not as easy as flipping a coin. I have learned that there are shades of gray that make many issues less a binary question and more a nuanced conversation we could have. My brain has gone a bit quiet. Writing about right has cleared the creases there. Okay, that sounded bad, maybe just inappropriate. I apologize. 

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