Sunday, July 28, 2024


You say it's not April. I know. April, also known as poetry month. Yup. Here it is July and I'm posting a second new poem! I also did this the end of June. All I know is, when poems arrive, they arrive. And sometimes I feel compelled to share them.

  After Dinner

It's hot in the kitchen

The exhaust fan

Can't keep up

With eliminating

The heat from the now turned off stove

I open the refrigerator

And bask in the cool

Pushing out from its gleaming interior

Espying the dark chocolates

Filled with sea salt caramel

I reach in, my surreptitious fingers

Unwrapping the bitter sweetness

That melts into me

At first brittle, then flowing

And I imagine that taste

Might be like yours

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