Monday, January 31, 2022

Blogiversary Fifteen

Fifteen years ago today I sat down at my laptop and wrote my first blog post. I had friends who blogged and they encouraged me to blog myself when I left lengthy comments on their blog posts. Encouraged is a kind word, a couple of them downright told me to stop hogging their comment space! I didn't have a digital camera. I didn't know how to import images. The internets were mostly a mystery to me. At times I have been a bit embarrassed when I look back at earlier posts but I leave them as they are. They are evidence of my growth as a writer and a chronicle of my life on that particular day. To go back and edit I feel would be dishonest. Only once have I taken down a post, and I wrote a post to explain why. The last couple of years have been personally very difficult for me and I have felt less than inspired when it comes to writing in this space. I will be back! But not quite yet. I'm slogging through some things that I'm not ready to write about. Eventually I will share some of it when I have sorted out precisely how to share without compromising others who are involved. Let me just say that at the epicenter of the ongoing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and this country's political turmoil, I have my own little tempest raging away. I must also express how grateful I am for the generous support of my family and friends during this onerous time. I might be bent but I'm not broken. 



Sara Mae said...

Love you, sister of my heart <3

Bellona of Avalon said...

Love you, too. Thanks for being there.