Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Where Did The Summer Go?

I have been remiss about so many things. In order to work on the indoor projects the yard has suffered. The weeds are doing well though the lovely grass I started a year ago has died. Neglecting the garden has meant the harvest has been a bit pitiful. Only a couple of meal's worth of green beans. The half dozen yellow zucchini were delicious, as are the tomatoes that braved the hot weather with no fertilizer and not nearly enough watering. Regular housework has been left in the dust and I have done laundry mostly because I've run out of grungy work clothes. My walking program that was in its sixteenth month went completely off the rails while I waited around for the plumber, electrician, HVAC guy to show up. Plus it was often just too freaking hot when I did have a sliver of time. Soon I will be posting photos of completed projects as the house gets back in order. The garage that has served as my workshop and general dumping ground is still a total disaster, but these things take time. I also have a number of blog posts that have been percolating in my brain for months but I have lacked the energy at the end of some long days to write. Hmmmm, beer and an episode of The 100? Or write a thoughtful/funny/observational post? The beer and Netflix won out pretty much every time. So. Thanks for showing up of late for the meager bits I have managed to post. And stay tuned for cool stuff to come!

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