Tuesday, August 27, 2019


I love this! Incorporating the four elements into a version of the serenity prayer that I can relate to. Like any good witch, I have representations of the elements placed in my home according to their corresponding directions. Until I read this prayer, it wasn't clear to me why I have two fire altars. Obviously, I am trying to embrace change in a positive manner. Interestingly, the room in the basement where I am having water problems is on the west side of the house. The carpet and pad have been removed in preparation for a tile floor. And I have added a ten foot downspout extension to direct the water away from the foundation. Things have dried out nicely. Reid would like to have his man cave/studio/office back soon. But there is the rest of the original flooring to remove and serious cleanup before the new vinyl flooring can be installed. Why people install carpeting in a basement I will never understand. I need to get back to tiling the shower surround in my bathroom. One project at a time.

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