Wednesday, August 1, 2018


So. Last summer I put together this cute little rock garden in the middle of the front yard. The idea being that such a thing plus a great deal of mulch would be more attractive than dead grass and weeds. The idea also being that I would expand the planting area each year.

Fast forward to this year. Finding more rocks and interesting, funky-looking logs in the backyard, they were relocated to the front. 

The process is a bit like putting a puzzle together. Moving the pieces around until they fit into the curves of the ground and more or less line up with each other to contain soil and plants.

With the final arrangement determined, it's time to add soil and plants. I have made a real effort toward putting in perennial plants that once established will have minimal water needs. This is, after all, my attempt at xeriscaping. Replacing a water-hogging and high maintenance traditional lawn with plants that are drought tolerant, while tossing in some lights and other decorations.

I've been testing out these sweet solar hanging lanterns in the backyard with the idea of moving them to the front to add a finishing touch to the expanded rock garden.

And, voila! Behold the finished project! 

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