Saturday, September 16, 2017

Peach Crop 2017

One peach, children. That is all, just one. A week ago there were about a dozen in the tree, and I should have picked them then. The damn squirrels aren't so picky about ripeness. And after they knock them to the ground, the little bastards generally eat less than half of the fruit. They gnaw on each one just enough to make it pointless to try to salvage the rest. Then leave it lying in the sun to attract insects. The peach in the photo was the last one hanging. It's solid as a rock but I picked it anyway. It will ripen quite nicely on the kitchen counter where it will be safe from the various vermin out in the yard. Then I shall enjoy the entire 2017 peach crop in one sitting. On the bright side, there is still enough of last year's crop for a pie and a bit of jam in the freezer. There's always next year.

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