As today has been proclaimed the inaugural International Jazz Day, it seems not only fitting but downright appropriate that all of us should take in an evening of live jazz. Which is much more appealing than dead jazz. At least I would assume so. But I digress. How fortunate for anyone in the Brookings area that the Pheasant regularly offers jazz and blues on Monday nights. Can it get better than this. Yes, indeedy. Tonight the most excellent Dakota Jazz Collective is playing! Girls night out. Adult beverages. Jazz. Who could ask for anything more? Okay, dessert is available, too. I should know better than to attempt to close with a question.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Are You Curly Tonight?
My hair just doesn't curl the way it used to. The last time this happened was twenty years ago, when I was in the latter stages of pregnancy. After Reid was born, the first time I washed my hair, voila, the curl was back. My completely non-scientific explanation for this is the fact that Reid has curly hair. So clearly, he was sucking all of the curliness factor out of my body during the third trimester. Not sure what is going on now, but I'm almost entirely certain that I'm not pregnant. The loss of curl has been gradual over the last few months, the last time it cooperated and curled nicely was last November. Perhaps the Hair Fairy finally heard my pleas and granted my straight hair wish. Something like 25 years ago when I first discovered anti-frizz gel, I accepted and embraced my curly locks. Mostly because I prefer a low maintenance hairstyle that doesn't require a lot of time every day. I'm trying to do the same with this new hairy development. It seems I'm not the only one who is baffled by abrupt changes in hair behavior, real scientists are studying this phenomenon. For now, I'm in a somewhat awkward transitional stage that requires a little more time and effort than I'm accustomed to. I'm using a super-moisturizing curl relaxing shampoo and conditioner, also a couple of leave-in products. Totally organic and formaldehyde free. I also flat iron, but only a couple of times a week. We'll see what happens when the inevitable heat and humidity shows up this summer.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Five Year Old Car Blues
Five years ago today I bought the very first, and likely only, brand new car I shall ever own. Still love the Outback in Newport Blue Pearl and hope to put a million miles on her. She needs new tires, or as my Mom used to say, baby needs new shoes. Four of them. I bought something blue today as well, a very pretty bracelet made by a very artsy chick. My friend Linda is creating some appealing bling and selling it here. I recommend checking out her Etsy offerings. Do it! It's much cheaper than a new car and just as joyful.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Cat Trap
Here we see Einstein demonstrating the effectiveness of using a shopping bag as a cat trap. Boxes work well, too. My cats tend to prefer this World Market bag compared to the others. I don't know why. Yes, the obvious thing to remark would be the cat is in the bag. And as much as I seem to be obvious, even when I'm not trying, let's just steer clear of that one. Please. No bovine jokes.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Bonnie & Clyde
My older brother's first girlfriend was named Bonnie. My first boyfriend's middle name was Clyde. Bonnie and Clyde. I don't think either of them has died in a slo-mo rain of bullets. Though I know for certain Clyde committed more than his share of misdemeanors. Despite the fact that he had worked in law enforcement. The primary thing I remember about Bonnie is answering the front door of the pink stucco house on third avenue east to find her standing there. She asked if Scott was home. I said no. She then rooted about in her jacket pocket, located a nondescript silver ring, and handed it to me. Tell him I don't want to be his girlfriend any more, she said, and left. Some time after breaking up with Clyde, I moved to the only apartment complex in town that had a pool. It seems he had a friend who lived there as well, since on a half dozen or so occasions I saw him walking across the parking lot, towel in hand. One time I observed this from behind the wheel of my car and didn't act on the opportunity to run him over. Fortunately I was never using the pool when Clyde was there. Clyde's father, the original Clyde, once observed from behind his newspaper that he had never taught his wife how to shoot a gun. Clyde never took me target shooting again. Perhaps he saw the future and knew he would piss me off. I expect I was his last girlfriend/shooting pupil. I expect I most definitely was not the last woman he pissed off.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Summer of '31
I spend too much time on Facebook. Occasionally, though, I run across something that is interesting. There is a page devoted to the history of the small town in North Dakota where my mother grew up. Alamo. So I've been digging through photos looking for any that might add to this page. So far there is just this one. This is my maternal grandfather, Knut Oleson Ruud. He was a blacksmith. In other words, the village smithy. I don't know if there was a spreading chestnut tree outside this building, but I do know that my mother was absolutely mortified when she had to recite Longfellow's poem devoted to her father's trade. This was snapped sometime during the summer of 1931. I can't get over how young he looks!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Not Constant Gardener
South of the backyard fence there lies the remnants of a once fecund asparagus patch. It has been long neglected and become a derelict plot of noxious weeds and crabgrass. To the delight of my neighbors, I am in the process of cleaning up these areas of my yard. Asparagus is hardy even in the harshest of gardens, and miraculously, this one still bears fruit. Look upon my entire crop and tremble. I will steam this and enjoy it with butter and a squirt of lemon. I am, it seems, a true believer in moderation.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Erik and Me

Sunday, April 22, 2012
The Grass Returns
When a flower bed is mostly overgrown weeds and its primary activity is filtering trash out of the wind, something must be done. I wasn't sure and didn't want to do anything rash, so I thought about it for a couple of years. In honor of Earth Day, this afternoon I finished cleaning it up! Then prepped the soil and scattered grass seed. Then watered. I can't take credit for adding the necessary sunshine, that was already happening. If I tend the area properly that ratty corner of the back yard will soon be lawn once more. Reid is delighted. As far as he's concerned, the more lawn to mow, the better. I've just got to be the best Mom on the block.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Guy Walks Into a Bar
Night before last, which would have been Thursday, I headed downtown to Jim's Tap for Science at the Pub. Friends of mine organize this once monthly lecture evening for us quirky intellectual types. Who enjoy having an adult beverage with their science. My friend Colleen's husband, who is a chemistry professor at our local SDSU, was speaking on green chemistry. This relatively recent ideology is taking root in the industrial world. The whole focus being on manufacturing goods and providing services in the most environmentally friendly way possible. I had the good fortune (my tongue is currently planted firmly in my cheek) to sit at what came to be known as the obnoxious table. With me were Colleen, and a couple of chemistry colleagues of the speaker, one of their spouses and another department worker. Colleen and the other women were polite. The colleagues were unabashedly obnoxious, bordering on heckler behavior. I was, in my irrepressibly charming way, somewhere in between. It was a high attendance night, with over seventy people present to improve their minds while drinking. After the presentation and convivial chat the crowd thinned out to the regulars. Then this guy walked in. Not just any guy, mind you, but a guy named Guy. In addition to looking a little lonely on his stool up at the bar, he had twinkly eyes and a really great smile. So I just had to talk to him. About all the forbidden subjects. Well, okay, mostly politics. It was fun and reassuring to have a reasonable and thoughtful discussion about politics with another South Dakotan. Sometimes it feels like there isn't room for a rational discussion in any forum any more! So refreshing to talk to someone who understands the difference between fact and opinion, rhetoric and truth, and how the current policy of entrenchment serves no one. Hi, Guy! I'm writing about you! Hope we can have a beer again really soon, it was very enjoyable.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Today's Bike Ride Playlist
Uri Gellar's Spoons -- Toad The Wet Sprocket
Deacon Blues -- Steely Dan
Beyond the Blue -- Beth Neilsen Chapman
Cherry Blossom Road -- Heart
Early Morning Rain -- Gordon Lightfoot
I'm Wrong About Everything -- John Wesley Harding
Favorite Mistake -- Sheryl Crow
Beautiful Lie -- Red Willow Band
Why Walk When You Can Fly -- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Wake Me When The Sun Goes Down -- Red Willow Band
Sunny Came Home -- Shawn Colvin
Peaceful Easy Feeling -- Eagles
Up on a Watershed -- Indigo Girls
Thursday, April 19, 2012
I Love Hax & Savage
Washington Post advice columnist Carolyn Hax is one of the most intelligent and thoughtful people out there. Her counsel is smart, to the point and holds the advisee accountable for their actions. Imagine my dismay when her column disappeared from my newspaper! How convenient that I can follow her on Facebook. If I had her and Dan Savage on speed dial my life would be so much better! I could avert crises before they happen! I could invite them over for dinner! Definitely would be a prime situation for lively conversation! I'll add them to the guest list right now.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
From Sir Paul, With Love
Monday, April 16, 2012
Melancholy Movie

Melancholia is easily the best, most disturbing, most engaging, most visually beautiful film I have ever seen. Even though it is over two hours in length I went back and watched the slow motion opening montage just to let the images and their meaning sink in. The first half hour was more than a little aggravating as I waited for the story to make sense. When it finally clicked with me I was completely riveted and know I will watch it again soon. Wow. The highest praise I can ever have for a movie is when I find myself wishing I could watch it for the first time once more. And I do wish I could experience Melancholia again for the first time. Since I can't, you do it for me, okay?
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Name Has It
Oddwaffle Blogfodder would be an excellent name for a character in a short story or novel. I'd need to tinker around with the spelling, add some umlauts or a hyphen somewhere to make it look/sound foreign and ambiguous as to gender. I'm thinking that Oddwaffle designs hats or writes really bad mooshy greeting card poems. Something creative yet obscure. This is just one example of the dangerous ideas that occur to me when I'm sleep deprived and overly caffeinated. I don't always write down these thoughts. They often get away too quickly. Which is probably a good thing.
Ten Things About Last Night
1. When you wear a cotton sweater out in the rain, it ends up feeling like you're wearing a very heavy, damp sponge.
2. It seems I was engaged for approximately 45 minutes but the bottle of congratulatory champagne did not appear so we called it off. Amicably, of course.
3. I love/hate it when a musician buddy says my name on mic for the entire bar to hear.
4. There was a Mr. BBN* sighting. It was his rear view, not his best side, which I am pretty certain he was deliberately presenting to me so as to avoid having to greet me while on his way past our table. I didn't realize it was him until he was out the door. Explaining me to the young woman he was holding hands with might have been awkward for him. Not for me, I was amused that he would go to such lengths to not speak to me. And even though he seems to be putting on a few extra pounds he is still insisting on tucking and belting. Sweetie, cut back on the onion rings or invest in some bigger pants. Pocket popping isn't a good look on anyone.
5. A very handsome man sat down next to me at The Paramount. Turns out we have the same birthday. I invited him to my as yet unplanned birthday party. Which would then become our birthday party. Or something.
6. The man mentioned in item #5 gave me just enough information. I have determined in pretty short order that despite the fact that he does not wear a ring that he is, indeed, married. Quite recently, too. Last August. I love the internet. In light of this discovery, I seriously doubt that he'll show up for the birthday celebration.
7. I'm making Karen a lemon tart for her birthday and she's bringing cupcakes for mine.
8. The first camping/biking trip has been planned for June!!
9. We all have handicaps. Some are just easier to hide than others.
10. The parking ramp began to feel like a Twilight Zone tilt-a-whirl while we were trying to get out of it. And why is it that I feel I must scrunch down while driving through one?
*Mr. Beautiful Beautiful Name
It's Too Early
...for such bitter disappointment.
son: oh, I ate those strawberries
me: (pre-coffee, putting waffles in toaster) damn. I was thinking they'd be really good on a waffle
son: they were
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Riding & Crawling
With a season opening ten mile bike ride under my belt, I'm heading for Sioux Falls for something called Jazz Crawl. I hope to get some food and drinks under my belt as well. Even though it is a metaphorical belt. I shall be, literally, sans belt. Okay, I wasn't wearing a belt on the bike ride either. Karen was with me for the inaugural bike ride and will be with me tonight, too. I do hope neither of us has to chaperone the other. It seems nasty weather may be rolling in but with any luck it will remain south of us. I'll batten down the hatches before I leave. Though I'm not entirely sure I have engaged in battening before. At any rate, all the doors and windows will be securely latched. All sorts of potential for a bad hair evening. A cute hat and a pony tail holder, don't leave home without them.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Middle School Mindset
I am absolutely horrified that this thought has just flown through my head.
If a guy likes my comment on a mutual friend's status update, does that mean he likes me? Should I send him a friend request? Or wait and see if he sends me one? I mean, I have actually met him in person several times...
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Ennui Embraced
It is chilly and damp outside today. Making outdoor activities chill, damp and miserable to participate in. Leaving me with indoor activities. Which I am less than enthusiastic about unless they involve chocolate. Tomorrow is the second of three Friday the thirteenths this year. While I am not afflicted with triskaidekaphobia, this also makes me feel inclined toward chocolate consumption. Which makes me feel inspired to declare Thursday the twelfth, particularly if the day is rainy and chilly, as a day devoted to chocolate. Still actively working on embracing the current limbo status of many aspects of my life. Though this process looks suspiciously similar to just sitting on my ass in a comfy chair. I may be going overboard with this frame of reference today as it appears I may possibly be using the weather in combination with chocolate obsession to actively avoid doing much of anything that could be construed as productive. Though I will probably finish loading and run the dishwasher. And I have bathed and dressed myself. And here I am blogging. This might just be one of those minimum requirement sort of days. I am showing up. And that, I have been told, is all you need to do most of the time.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Carpe Diem, 7-9-79

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Cake Ladies

Monday, April 9, 2012
A Preposterous Pile

Less than two hours later, five of the broken chairs are gone!
Five hours later two bent tomato cages, the broken and leaky hose reel, one broken office chair that was added after the above photo was taken, three light fixtures (one doesn't work), and 2/3 of an artificial Christmas tree have vanished.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Bunnies, Bunnies Everywhere

Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Saying Goodbye

Thursday, April 5, 2012
The Bags Have It
As far as derisive labels go, I've been thinking that enema bag has a much nastier tone and connotation than douche bag. And I like that it's unisex in nature. But it just doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely. That neat, crisp, percussive d at the beginning is so much stronger right out of the gate. Consonants are much more aggressive than vowels. As the Pythons would say, it's a good woody sounding word. And when you're putting someone down, I think we can all agree that woody is preferable to tinny.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
White Furry Feets

Tuesday, April 3, 2012
April Third Movie Night

Monday, April 2, 2012
April Second Opinion
Thinking that my life and the safety of others might be in imminent danger, I stopped by my favorite tire shop this afternoon. The very nice young man said that I have a good 5000+ miles left on my tires. He showed me the wear bars still deep in the tread of the tires. He hated to send me away and did give me the bad news that each tire, when I needed them, were going to be around $159. EACH! I guess they're 17" sport alloy rims or something, and in the tire world, they are kinda fancy. As well as practical, I must add. I have driven through some of the worst winter weather I've ever experienced in my Subaru Outback, and that is, I expect the all wheel drive in combination with great handling and where those four tires connect with the road. He said to come back and see him in a couple months. Since the tires are original equipment, they are now five years old and even though I have lots of remaining tread the upcoming summer heat could expand now hidden surface cracks. And that could be a safety issue should the cracks enlarge and separate. The original impression of danger was planted in my head by the dealership where I purchased my car. The service manager is a nice guy, and I'm certain he has corporate factory issued guidelines to follow and he's just doing his job. On the other hand, I listen to Car Talk on NPR and I'm wary of procedures and premature part replacements that do little more than make the dealership owner's boat payment. To be fair, the dealership's tire estimate was pretty close to the one I got today. But I no longer feel like I'm riding on borrowed tread.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
April First Impressions

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