It's a good day when the mailbox contains the latest Anthropologie catalog. I'm sure this cover shot is another nudge enticing me to move to Colorado. And when I move there, I'm definitely harvesting my own holiday tree, dressed just like her, and tying it to the top of my Outback. Adventurous and sexy and well-accessorized. Suits me just fine. Just as soon as I relocate to Anthropologie, Colorado. Until then, I reserve the right to dabble in my new persona. Try it on and see how it fits. I'm starting with the boots...
Well Colorado would be a nice option, but this catalog was shot all over Peru in South America, If you have an open mind you can consider moving there beautiful country and a hell lot cheaper than Colorado :) that is if you can speak Spanish.
The true location is obvious from the license plate on the car...I am simply taken with Colorado and any snow-capped mountains take me there immediately!
I can politely order beer in Spanish. I like to say that I proudly speak Sesame Street Spanish. I can sing a song about counting to ten and another one about frying eggs on the cement.
You'll note that the model is wearing heels, not boots. Again, I am repeatedly smitten with the boots in Anthropologie so the default footwear, as far as I'm concerned, are boots!
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