Edna Karen Ruud Broome
She was a character. A full blooded, first generation Norwegian-American. She was smart, ornery, opinionated and always seemed to me to be larger than life. She was my Mom. And this morning, she died from complications of multiple myeloma. After a three year battle with cancer and more recently suffering a hip fracture and surgery to repair it, I think she was just tired. She was the last of her family of origin, surviving her parents and three siblings. I am sad as well as relieved. And grateful to have spent some time with her last month while she still retained some of her former wit and attitude. Seventy-eight years doesn't seem like nearly enough time to be here.
Your Mom has a very nice vibe going on in those pictures. I'm sure the planet will miss her. You still okay?
It's the finality of it that's difficult. Having some time with her a month ago has helped, but even when you know the end is inevitable and probably sooner than later, it's still hard. Almost harder yet are the phone calls I still have to make to some of her friends, I'm putting that off until tomorrow. So to answer your question, yes, I'm okay. Some things you just gotta walk through. Thanks.
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