Yes, I am appalled at the way feminine images and expectations have been warped by the Barbie doll. But somehow, I still adore Barbie and all her friends and the clothes and accessories. Maybe just a childhood association, I really have never examined it too deeply. Knowing this, imagine how I could not have possibly known that a Halloween edition of Barbie, marketed exclusively through Target stores, has existed since 1997! I became aware of this a year ago, only a week or so prior to Halloween, so naturally Target was completely sold out of the 2007 edition. But I scored one this year! And I have vowed to collect every single one from this year forward! And just as I suspected, my tiny little cauldron and broom are ever so proportionally correct for Halloween Barbie 2008. I do love Halloween. On a completely different note, I do believe that this evening I prepared perhaps the finest alfredo I have ever made. With chicken and served rather inappropriately over rotini rather than fettucini. The 16yo barely had opportunity to voice his approval because he was so busy devouring it. And speaking of the 16yo, he has recently revealed to me how low his level of deceit can reach. He kept secreted from me for nearly a full week the fact that he possessed M & M's! A very large bag of them! In his room! For six full days! Without sharing with his mother! He did earn them, they were part of a gift to him for participating in the Susan Komen Race for the Cure. But still, he didn't share, at least, not until I knew of their existance. And they were those pretty pink ones, too. Now I suppose I'll have to go out and buy a bag of them. But not until the cute purple, black, orange and bright green Halloween theme M & M's are gone. It can be dangerous to have too many M & M's in the house. And then there are those three blue Tootsie Pops lurking about in the pantry since last Halloween...
M&Ms are dangerous, but not nearly as much as Barbie. That bitch has done an incredible amount of damage to females. You may never realize the extent of brainwashing that has occurred. I think she is even worse than G.I. Joe, who is despicable. Marketing psychologists get the really big bucks for a reason. Damn them!
I know that Barbie has set up an unattainable goal for the girls who play with them. I still love her because to me she was always just a doll. She was the mom doll who mothered all of the other dolls. My Barbie had a thing for my brother's GI Joe even though she was "married" to the Alan doll. I loved changing her clothes and all the little accessories that come along for the ride. Hmm, maybe that's why I have a tendency to over-accessorize...and why I am no longer with my husband. Who is named Allen. Did Barbie have a greater effect on me than I think?!?!
M&Ms are dangerous, but not nearly as much as Barbie. That bitch has done an incredible amount of damage to females. You may never realize the extent of brainwashing that has occurred. I think she is even worse than G.I. Joe, who is despicable. Marketing psychologists get the really big bucks for a reason. Damn them!
My brother had a bright orange Geronimo doll. My Barbie was HOT for him. That may be the root of my predilection for the darker-skinned man.
I know that Barbie has set up an unattainable goal for the girls who play with them. I still love her because to me she was always just a doll. She was the mom doll who mothered all of the other dolls. My Barbie had a thing for my brother's GI Joe even though she was "married" to the Alan doll. I loved changing her clothes and all the little accessories that come along for the ride. Hmm, maybe that's why I have a tendency to over-accessorize...and why I am no longer with my husband. Who is named Allen. Did Barbie have a greater effect on me than I think?!?!
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