This image manipulation thing is relatively new to me, so please pardon the very unpolished look to this post. An hour or so ago I wandered around the house with my camera and captured images of the season to share with you. To the left is the blue led snowflake hanging in the living room window. It helps me locate my house when coming home in the dark.

The bucket of festive holiday headgear waiting to be donned.

Reindeer in a basket in the family room downstairs.

View of the stairwell decorations that were so difficult to place. They may remain on display until spring.

This is Sparky, the largest snowman in my collection. He is not allowed to light up that pipe in the house.

Christmas themed mugs on the shelf in the kitchen available for hot chocolate, coffee, tea, etc.

Do you know how difficult it is to find a blue Santa Claus? The three that I have are atop the refrigerator this year with the cobalt glass items that are there year-round.

Yes, I decorate in the bathroom! This little scene is just above my bathtub where I regularly doze off while I'm soaking in the hot water and bubbles.

A sure sign of the holidays, my college age son has brought home his dirty laundry.

The dining room, which is technically not a separate room, just the east end of the kitchen.

I just adore these fat cardinals. They reside on top of the tv cabinet with my elder son's high school graduation photo.

My cat, Newton, peeking out from under the coffee table in the living room. He mostly ignores the holiday decorations unless it would involve him being the recipient of a belly rub.

The Santa Claus collection on the bookcase in the living room.

My cat, Einstein, doing his best to ignore the fact that he is under the Christmas tree...

...and eventually caving and taking a bite. More than once I have caught him walking off with a pink bow in his mouth. To his credit, the tree has been tipped over only once. So far.
Your wordsmithing is really something. I like it.
Thanks, Ed. I value your opinion as well as your fondness for (item deleted). Whatever that means. I appreciate you stopping by for a read.
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