Friday, May 29, 2009

From 1'8 1/4" to 6'2" and Growing...

The 16yo is, as of just before midnight last night, now the 17yo. He isn't any easier to pry out of bed. It's not likely I'll be able to talk him into cleaning his bathroom today. Although he did not have to be reminded to feed the cats. It would seem that maturity is incrementally acquired and has little to do with attaining a certain calendar age. I don't see his basic wardrobe changing from the jeans, tshirts, and hoodie uniform. But he does seem more concerned about his general state of personal cleanliness and whether he needs to get his hair cut. Happy birthday, my beamish boy!


Ed said...

Maturity? Calendar age? Are you suggesting that these items may be related? Ha! Like gravity and falling down? No way.

Bellona of Avalon said...

A mother can hope, can't she?

Ed said...

Well of course.