Friday, March 14, 2025

Tis Pi(e) Day

To celebrate Pi(e) Day, let's start with a triple cheddar, mushroom, and sage sausage quiche. Luna would like some, please. She is a very good girl because she's not on the table. Such a very good girl.


Friday, March 7, 2025

Friday, February 21, 2025

Friday, February 14, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I Need This

I know. It's not a jar. It's a crock. That small detail does not stop me from wanting it. At times I come up with a pretty good string of profanity myself. Carry on with your day.


Monday, February 10, 2025

More Bloomin' News

This succulent I think is called Echeveria. It lives in the room next to the bathroom containing the wildly blooming hoya, also known as the guest bedroom. There is a large south-facing window there and this plant shares the windowsill with two other plants. As you can see, this one is also blooming. There is a third proto-bloom almost ready to poke up out of the middle and show its face. I'm sort of wishing that the fairy castle is next to bloom. We shall see.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

My Magical Plant, Part Deu

I just did the math. And I am astonished at how long I have kept this plant and its various descendants alive. We're closing in on fifty years, children. After the most recent move I think I have found the ultimate happy place for a hoya.

Trust that I am just as surprised as you to discover that the happy spot is in my son's bathroom. Maybe it's the skylight. Perhaps the steamy atmosphere. Currently there are a dozen blooming spurs in various stages of flowering. From tight little buds to gloriously open, sweet smelling, umbrella shaped bouquets... 

...trailing down on both sides of the cabinet. I have never had one of these plants set buds in January and then bloom this time of year. Up until now blooming season was March-September. This is a good surprise. Spring can't be too far off.

Friday, January 31, 2025


Can you believe it? My blog is old enough to vote! Despite the ups and downs, the tragedies and triumphs, and the duck nibbles of life, I'm still here. Sharing cat photos and home projects and my wide-ranging opinions. It's been a great start to the new year with over 14,000 views. As always, thanks for stopping by.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Meanwhile, Down in Mississippi

A state senator in Mississippi has introduced a bill called "Life Begins at Erection" making it illegal for a man to masturbate because he is wasting genetic material. This bill is meant to make men share the burden since reproductive laws focus on women and abortion. The fine for a first violation is $1000, second vilation is $5000. I am wondering about a few things. First, how can this be monitored? What about men who are sterile or have had a vasectomy? Are they exempt from this law? Will they be issued a card to show authorities if caught in the act? And will he introduce a second law for women to be fined when they have their period because they are wasting genetic material? Will a proper burial be required for used sanitary pads and tampons? Are you regretting having tuned into my blog today? I am regretting ever hearing about this idiot.

Monday, January 20, 2025

This Day

It is a sad, bleak day for this country and for planet Earth. The adminstration led by a convicted felon, sex offender, misogynist, and fool was installed in office at noon, EST today. With his billionaire cohorts in tow, a demetia-addled huckster is going to do his narcissistic best to burn down and scorch the planet that we call home. The patriots and legal warriors among us are going to do their level best to keep much of it from happening. But in the meantime so many people will be harmed. Will the rule of law and the Constitution hold back the heinous acts that will benefit the very few? Will members of the military remember that they need not follow any command issued that is in conflict with their oath to uphold the Constitution? Will the misled masses who voted him in have a change of heart? Will that change of heart translate into votes for more Democrats in 2026? Enough so that the House and Senate will flip? Will there be a midterm election in 2026? The WiC* fails to keep most of his promises, but he did promise those who attended his rallies that if they voted for him, they wouldn't ever have to vote again. Like I did eight years ago, I'm hoping for the best and planning for the worst. And I'm watching The West Wing. Even though they are fictional, I need to see courageous, if flawed, smart, empathetic people running things. They represent the best in all of us. May we rise to the occasion.


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Dear Kroger Corp.

Hi! I am a regular shopper at my local Fred Meyer. I just wanted you to know that I notice when you jack up the prices on things I regularly buy.

Here we have the 18 pack of Kroger large eggs. I swear they were a couple bucks cheaper before Christmas. And even less, as low as six bucks and change last fall. The price used to be Locked In. Hmmm. Now it's just low. Either label is poppycock as far as I'm concerned.

Locked in? Seriously? A month ago the locked in price was $1.79! Glad I had a coupon! What's the shelf life for a locked in price? Five minutes? 24 hours? A week? Just be aware if I'm noticing, others are noticing, too.  

Friday, January 3, 2025

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Taking Stock

Feeling a bit deja vu-ish this New Year's Day. Like eight years ago, I'm rewatching The West Wing to see how responsible grownups run our government. In anticipation of the upcoming scourge arriving in Washington. I need to find a local march to participate in. Unlike eight years ago, I'm not rereading The Handmaid's Tale. There is currently more than enough darkness rattling about in my brain. I'm certain Margaret Atwood will forgive me. Like eight years ago, I'm hoping for the best while preparing for the worst. You do the same. We have to stick together to make it through.