La Guera tagged me!
"The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer."
1) What was I doing 10 years ago?:
Let’s see, I was approaching my 41st birthday, my sons were 10 and 6, which means their lives and activities pretty much ruled my life. The most interesting thing about pondering my life ten years hence is that at that time I had not an inkling that my life today would find me divorced, happier than I thought it was possible to be and smarter by far due to the difficulties in between then and now
2) What are 5 things on my to-do list for today?:
* Piles, I mean PILES, of laundry
* Call the clinic and make a dr appointment
* Work with 16yo son on the next phase of room cleaning
* Make significant progress on sewing the new living room curtains
* Find artwork for third tattoo
3) Snacks I enjoy:
* Planter’s Golden Trail Mix
* Roasted lightly salted almonds. I know, the raw ones are healthier, but where’s the joy?
* Golden Oreos
* Pepperidge Farm mini brown sugar cinnamon bagels
* Starbucks vanilla latte granola bars
4) Things I would do if I was a billionaire:
Travel. Have homes in exotic locales. Establish a college scholarship fund. Act locally, like make sure no child in my community goes to bed hungry. Support the arts. Give money to Public Broadcasting much more often. Buy my mom a house complete with staff to care for her needs. Get together with my sister more often. Get my novel published even if I have to buy a publishing company. Then write more. In a move to assuage my Scandinavian guilt, I would pay off the mortgage on my ex-husband’s house.
5) Places I have lived:
* Denver, CO
* Las Vegas, NV
* Minneapolis, MN
* Petal, MS
* Williston and Grafton, ND
* Brookings, SD
6) Jobs that I have had:
* Lab Tech in a seed testing company
* Clipping Bureau Mgr. for the SD Newspaper Association
* Pizza cook and delivery driver
* Retail clerk
* Waitress
7) People I want to Know more about:
I’m sorry that I can only come up with one! Most of the blogs I read are written by people I already know pretty well. Maggie Mason writes a number of blogs that I enjoy, and I don’t know her at all! My friend Colleen is her cousin and loaned me her book, No One Cares What You Had for Lunch, 100 Ideas for Your Blog.