Saturday, December 30, 2017

Who Would Have Guessed He's an Aussie?

Well, yes, hello. I have been distracted for a few days by the man in the above photo. I have been on a Longmire binge-watch. Neglecting personal hygiene and normal meals and wearing my pajamas. Normally, I don't go for the strong, silent cowboy/cop type of man. But there it is. Just look at that smile! And I almost don't mind that he has a bit of a back hair thing going. And I'm puzzled by the fact that he wears a heavy coat pretty much year-round, even when others are dressed more seasonally in tank tops and sun dresses. Perhaps the Sheriff exists in his own personal little troposphere, complete with its own ecosystem. I recognize that our little fling will be over in eight more episodes and then I'll likely go through a period of deep longing and mild withdrawal. But then my memories of him will fade into the background and life will get back to normal. Plus I should probably take a shower. Sigh. 

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