Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cyclonic Siblings

Yes, this is a real post. Yes, I realize what day it is. And somehow that makes it that much more appropriate. I have a new friend, you see, by way of my cousin Cory. If you're one of those people who thinks Facebook friends aren't real friends, just toddle off and play with one of your imaginary ones while the rest of us chat. Brenda, my new buddy, posted the above photo and called her sister's attention to it. A verbal slapfest ensued which I found to be quite entertaining and also familiar. I commented that they must be sisters and Brenda answered back with, not just sisters, twin sisters! Twisters! I love it! This most obvious of portmanteaus has been hanging out there just beyond my frame of reference for years! How did I not think of it? Thank you, Brenda for bringing it to my attention! We really must get together for drinks. Soon.

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