Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday the Fifth

1. Dusk at this latitude arrives at precisely 4:48 pm, CST. I know this because that is when my outside lights come on, with the timer set to come on at dusk.

2. Since we are still sixteen days from the Solstice, dusk may arrive earlier tomorrow. 

3. We are a mere twelve days from the Brookings Edition of Holiday Jam 6!

4. Sam Adams Winter Lager is delicious.

5. I had a highly successful shopping expedition to Sioux Falls yesterday! 

6. Referring to Item 5, any shopping trip to SF is made that much better by a downtown lunch break with Jill.

7. I am celebrating the arrival of the first Christmas card! From dear lil' sis Martine. 

8. Referring to Item 1, I accomplished the deployment of the outdoor decorations this afternoon. 

9. Indoor decorations continue to evolve, supplemented by Item 4 and with the background filled in by holiday music and movies.

10. Despite oversleeping this morning, it has been a rather productive day, kickstarted by an early lunch date with the adorable JT Phlaan.

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