Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ten Foods That Frighten Me

1. Pecan pie flavored Pringles
2. Cool Whip
3. Sushi
4. Peanut butter and jelly sold in the same jar
5. Ortolan
6. Casu Marzu
7. Sour kraut
8. Lutefisk*
9. Raw oysters on the half shell
10. Tiger meat

*I know, I know, I'm half Norwegian. But I don't so much as touch the platter when it is passed around the table. Fish-fragrant jello served hot is something that I instincually avoid. Slathering it with butter doesn't help.


D said...

Casu Marzu. What the crap. "When disturbed, the larvae can launch themselves for distances up to 15 centimetres (6 in)."


On a less squicky note (for me, anyway), what is it about sushi that troubles you?

Bellona of Avalon said...

I know! Why would anyone eat infested cheese?

I also should admit I have never eaten sushi. Just looking at it makes me think it's a texture thing, or that it will be slimy or rubbery. Also I'm not crazy about the sticky rice. Otherwise I love fish so being standoffish with sushi is weird.