Yes, I know the kitchen remodel was ten years ago. But some decisions you want to be sure about. I wasn't intentionally avoiding the purchase and installation of cabinet hardware. It simply was not the tea kettle on the front of the stove whistling for my attention. And what nudged me forward on this little project, you might be thinking. Well. I was visiting Colleen last week and was admiring her cabinet hardware, and how she has red cabinets on one side of her kitchen and black on the other, and how the same hardware on all of them sort of ties the whole thing together. Once I was home, I observed that I have oak cabinets on one side of my kitchen that are installed and three unfitted black cabinets on the other side. Then, an enormous cfl appeared in a cloudlike bubble over my head. Of course! Use the same hardware that you installed on the two smaller black cabinets and the island to coordinate with the china cabinet! Now all I have to do is drill a whole bunch of holes in juuuuuuust the right places. Pardon me while I make sure the spare battery for my drill is charged up.
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