Saturday, July 11, 2009

Obviousman, Jr.

The 17yo has informed me that I would never be mistaken for a man. I find this oddly reassuring. I can't recall for certain the precise conversation that led up to this statement, but it went something like this. We were discussing my recent birthday celebration and my advanced age, and he first made the comment that he thought I appeared to be fortyish. I took this for a compliment and thanked him. Told him that such an observation made me feel girlish, which falls sort of in line with much of my girly behavior that he doesn't understand. Like painting my toenails and wearing pink and wondering how big my butt looks. That, I believe, was when he said that I would never be mistaken for a man. We laughed. I find conversations with my younger son to be peculiar and often perplexing. But I love the fact that he talks to me.

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