Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good Vibes

For the last five years, I have experienced the best of relationships with a personal appliance. I am speaking, naturally, of my SoniCare toothbrush. It seems I have been lax about replacing the brush of late. When I first bought it, I diligently replaced a new brush head for the old twice a year just as the manufacturer recommends. I usually did this on or around Christmas and my birthday, an easy to remember association. At nearly a week past my birthday, today I replaced the old worn brush and couldn't really remember when I had last done this. One thing's for sure, it was due time. My teeth and gums are so sparkly and happy today! Meaning that the mid-winter changing of the brush time likely passed by without being properly observed. One other thing I noticed, on the packaging of the new brush heads I saw that they now recommend a new one every three months! I think twice a year is adequate. As long as I remember to do it. Maybe if I think I'm on a quarterly schedule I'll remember to do it twice. And shame on you for what you were thinking while reading the first sentence.


colleen said...

I never realized a toothbrush could so change one's life. ; )

I may need one of those things!

Bellona of Avalon said...

With my sensitive gums and crowns it has made my mouth much less cranky. Plus, since I can no longer hold a regular toothbrush, the large handle makes it easy to hang onto!