Sunday, March 29, 2020

Gratitude & Sanity

Rituals are important. They reinforce a sense of normalcy and order, and give comfort. I think we can all agree these are not normal times and certainly not orderly. So I keep Sunday morning sacred as I have for most of my adult life. The precise activities have evolved over time, but for the last fifteen or so years Sunday morning is a couple of hours of music, a crossword puzzle, a cryptogram, coffee or tea, and something to eat. Sometimes it's a yummy treat like homemade scones, sometimes it's my favorite sourdough toast with butter. When the weather cooperates I sit outside on the deck but most Sundays I sit at the kitchen counter and bask in the sun that often pours in from the east facing patio door. I do appreciate and am grateful for the fact that I have a comfortable home to shelter in and projects to keep me busy while we wait out the political and pandemic turmoil out in the world right now. Attend to your rituals, for their comforting vibe and to build strength for the highs and lows of the week to come. I think it's more vital than ever.

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