Thursday, December 14, 2023

Who Be Ye?

It was midafternoon. I was settled on the sofa with a cup of tea. I had my bruised left foot elevated with an ice pack soothing it. And there it was. A most annoying knock at the door. You know, that shave-and-a-haircut rat-a-tat-tat thing. I considered staying put. But got up and hobbled to the door and opened it. Ten feet or so back from the steps was a terribly cheerful young woman wearing a bright blue jacket with a logo that I couldn't quite read. She started in with her spiel while smiling broadly. I can't tell you what she said beyond a few snatches I caught. talking to your neighbors! great deals! new regulations! I wasn't really listening because my foot was aching and I was still trying to read the logo on her jacket. She paused. I think because she had asked me a question and was waiting for me to respond. I said, I really don't want to talk to anyone today. She said, okay, and turned around and left. It was some sort of Christmas miracle! If someone is at my door and I don't wish to speak with them, all I have to do is say so! I feel so much better! My foot might feel a bit better, too. And I was back on the sofa before my tea got cold. That was easy.


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