Saturday, November 11, 2023

Electric Spaghetti

What a lovely sight! The north wall in my somewhat organized garage. Hanging on the wall is my extension cord collection. One accumulates an unnatural number of extension cords while living in a house constructed in the 1950s. Which is what I moved out of eight months ago. Looks like colorful spaghetti. I have only had to use one or two while setting up the lamps and various appliances here since there is an outlet every couple of feet. Some of which are unused! The bar cabinet has a small lamp on it only because I felt I should plug something into the outlet behind it. I expect I'll use a few more when putting up the Christmas decorations in a few weeks. The switched ones hanging on the corner of the shelf unit are particularly useful for holiday decorating. Until then, my extension cord collection waits patiently for a task. Drop on by if you need a couple. I doubt I will need this many ever again.


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