Sunday, December 13, 2020

Not Dead Yet

Hello. Anyone there? I know, I've gone missing for a week myself and shouldn't expect y'all to be waiting patiently for my return. Today marks Day 7 since I got the test results for my Covid-19 test. It was positive. I am on Day 15 of being symptomatic. It's been a meandering two weeks of cough, low-grade fever, head and body aches, sore throat, an astonishing feeling of weakness, and diarrhea. I'd seem to improve a bit, then relapse into more severe symptoms. I'd creep back and forth from bed at night to the couch for most of the day. Doing my best to stay just hydrated enough without having to take multiple trips to the bathroom. During the worst stretch, I didn't have the strength to sit up at my computer and wore the same jammies and went unshowered for five days. Yesterday afternoon things finally took a break for the better, I actually felt like eating and found that I felt steady enough to take a shower and wash my filthy hair. Today I feel almost normal, though with a bit of a lingering dry cough and I do tire easily. For anyone who thinks the coronavirus is a hoax, I'll let you in on something. This shit is real, it is nasty, and you don't want to get infected with it. My son and I have experienced it about as bad as you can without requiring hospitalization. For our continuing recovery I am grateful. Also for friends and family checking in on us and asking if we need anything. All I have to say is, wear a goddamn mask if you must go out among others and maintain a six foot space between yourself and others. Wash your hands. If you must spread something, share accurate information about Covid-19, no bullshit conspiracy theories. Stay safe out there.  

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