Friday, May 1, 2009

The Wisdom of Opal Pickles


Ed said...

Be like george bush and don't worry about anything. Be happy!

Tantra Flower said...

I love my cat. Earl is his name. He's been with me a looong time (he's 16) and survived colon cancer! The hairball thing though...oy veh. He doesn't cough them up too often, but when he does, you can bet it will be 1)on something I just washed and 2)hidden just well enough that I don't see it until it's made contact with my flesh. Just thinking about it gives me the shivers.

Bellona of Avalon said...

George is a v-idiot, or a f-idiot, depending on my mood. And I'm really quite happy, probably because I make an effort not to worry about things I have no control over.

Tantra Flower, my friend Colleen also has a cat named Earl! He was originally named Pearl because of his very pink nose, about the same color as a Pink Pearl eraser. After it became evident that he was a boy, the "p" was dropped and he became Earl.