Sunday, March 16, 2008


Three things in this house that are in dire need of cleaning
  1. My bathroom
  2. The kitchen floor
  3. Office/computer room
Three things that drive Newton and Einstein nuts
  1. Lights that move around on a wall
  2. Bottlecaps
  3. Closed doors
Three things hanging on the back of my bedroom door
  1. Pink feather boa
  2. John's brown shirt
  3. Deflated Tinker Bell balloon from my birthday party last summer
Three things that have recently emerged from the melting snow in my yard
  1. My moon garden
  2. Pink flamingoes
  3. Back issues of the local shopper
Three wonderful things I have eaten in the last 24 hours
  1. Toasted cinnamon raisin bread
  2. French Onion Soup
  3. Lindor truffle
Three things I must accomplish before leaving on vacation
  1. Make a comprehensive list of stuff the 15yo must do while I'm gone
  2. Create a new playlist for the iPod
  3. Do all the laundry, then try not to take it all with me
Three things that take forever to get over with
  1. Waiting for an ingrown toenail to grow out
  2. Winter in South Dakota
  3. A song on the radio that you really can't stand
Three things that I have absolutely no control over, and since accepting this fact, have become a much happier person
  1. The seemingly senseless and arbitrary decisions made by the computer guys at work
  2. The fact that I develop feelings for one man or another. I have taken this one step further by actually learning where the line of appropriateness is in expressing such feelings. I'm becoming such a grown-up.
  3. The inception and enactment of Daylight Savings Time


Anonymous said...

Quit your job, throw all timepieces out, sell your car, and drink more of that wine. Buy gold. Write.

Blind Orange Julius said...

I wish I knew where I could get some sort of photography implement. Not a traditional camera, but one that took the photos on some sort of computer chip and then turned the image into a bunch of numbers.

That would be cool...