Friday, February 22, 2013

Lend Me a Word

I need a word. I know, I was an English major. Words are my thing. But I am at a loss this morning. Maybe I just need to grab the unabridged dictionary and start reading. Maybe grab is too optimistic a term for groaning while hefting such a ponderous tome. What I need is a word/term to describe the middle ground that would lie somewhere between creeped out and deeply moved. If such a word does not exist in English, a foreign language term conveying this meaning would be acceptable, particularly if its subtlety is lost in translation. If such a word is not currently available, please be clever and coin a new one just for me. Good luck. And thanks. Now impress me. 


  1. I don't have the word, but I know where you might find it. Ever heard of Douglas Adams's The Meaning of Liff?

  2. Not until I googled it! Thanks!I look forward to it, as the cover says, changing my life. :-)

  3. Crazy Tigh! Perhaps accurate but not romantic enough...
