Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby Love

Valentine's Day seems to focus on romantic love. That's okay. I'm fully in support of that. But these guys are my forever loves. My sons, Michael and Reid. At the ages of four and a half and seven months. Can it get more adorable than this? Well...

Newton and Einstein at approximately two months of age. Kittens cuddled together snoozing. Off the adorable meter, if you ask me. 


  1. And to think, only a few years later that gorgeous blonde hair turned blue! And then green. And then purple. And pink for a while?! And then back to purple...

    I may have the colors out of chronological order, but it never fails to amuse me any time you post pictures of Michael :)

  2. I'm to the point when I almost don't recognize him with a hair color found in nature!

  3. It still feels like you got the kittens yesterday, growing up without them in the house. :(

  4. I know! They were such cute little puff balls! Michael was convinced that we got them so we wouldn't miss him so much when he went off to SDSU.
