Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yet Another Test

The definitive diagnostic test for carpal tunnel syndrome is something called a nerve conduction study. If you are casually approached and offered this test, say no! No, no, no! It was very, very, very unpleasant. And I say this in light of the fact that I had my teeth cleaned yesterday afternoon. Ouch.


  1. If you used that liniment I told you about, you would not be taking tests.

  2. Oh, wise and wonderful Ed, remind me of this liniment so I can buy some!

  3. Dit Da Jow.
    Every person that has used it, based on my recommendation, has had positive results. I will give you one example which I think applies.
    Worked with a guy who had spent over twenty years carrying sheet rock around. Bad. Very bad. Tendonitis. He could not pick things up in a normal manner. Had trouble lifting a beer to his mouth. Lots of painkillers. I gave him Jow and told him to use it "religiously". Two weeks later, no pain killers. One month later, normal lifting and carrying resumed. I use the "Shaolin Formula". For more stories call 605-381-3309.
