Friday, September 22, 2017

Flying the Bitch Flag

How delightful it is to attempt to have a real conversation about the problems in this country. With a troll. Wait, two trolls in as many days. I attempt in a friendly and engaging manner to put forth facts and associated links to verified sources. And in response I get personal attacks and speculation about how I likely spend my days, the number of hours I devote to watching daytime television, how many cats I have, what my relationship status is, how many children I have given birth to, whether I am oppressed, and am instructed to go buy a Starbucks with my welfare money. I guess I could counter with scurrilous accusations but I'm genuinely interested in having the conversation. I'm curious over how they have managed to work up such a fever pitch of anger toward whomever they see as the enemy. It's as if they are so deeply devoted to their personal, misdirected hostility that all they are capable of seeing are the walls of their own echo chamber. After a full paragraph of insults, and nary a mention of the subject we were discussing, the Electoral College, I volleyed back with this:

Such a common tactic, Joe. When you have nothing of substance to say you revert to personal attack. One, when I feel worried, I take action. Two, I don't watch television, I read newspapers and objective online journalism. Three, my cat is a guy and he objects to clothing and manicures. Yes, I'm a liberal, and I'll go you one further, I'm a progressive. When you are mature enough to discuss real life issues like a grownup, then we can talk. But you'll have to take a general quiz on civics and history first. If you get a passing grade, then I won't feel like it's a waste of time. Otherwise, keep hiding behind your macho white man privilege. It's the place you're most comfortable.

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