Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Things I Have Accomplished Today

1. Within minutes of getting up, dispatching a quite large spider with the hand-vac in the kitchen.

2. Newt was watching me accomplish Item 1 without lifting a paw to help.

3. Folding the load of towels I washed and dried yesterday.

4. Went underwear shopping with Reid.

5. In reference to Item 4, the underwear was for him to wear, not me.

6. As long as we were out of the house, we stopped by Panera for cheap-baker's-dozen-bagels day.

7. As long as we were at Panera, we also had lunch.

8. I recommend Panera's plum ginger hibiscus tea, iced and lightly sweetened.

9. Items 2, 5, and 8 really aren't accomplishments. Neither is this.

10. The big accomplishment yesterday was paying bills. Today the check to my garbage hauler was mailed. 

11. This item is mere padding. It's a slow day.

12. Also, it's raining and my OCD tendencies are telling me to go check the basement windows. All of them.

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