Wednesday, September 2, 2015

About This Week

1. Too many shitty pain days in a row!

2. Which is why I'm taking it easy on the hands for a few.

3. Which means I have the blinders on to things I should be doing.

4. Which makes me a little crazy.

5. Although washing dishes by hand and a glass of wine are helpful. For both the crazy and the pain.

6. The good news is, there is amusement and distraction on the horizon!

7. In reference to item 6, Jill and I are off to the Black Hills for the weekend.

8. In reference to item 7, we still need to work out who is keeping an eye on whom.

9. In reference to item 8, neither of us excels at being a grownup when we don't have our children around to remind us that we are the grownups.

10. Jill and Carla doesn't quite measure up to Thelma and Louise tonally or thematically, so there's probably no need to worry.

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