Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Everybody Wants to be a Cat

The pet carrier has been dusted off. There is a fuzzy blankie lining the bottom. Einstein has an appointment with the vet in about an hour. I swear it's more traumatic to take a kitty to a doc appointment than it is to haul myself in for medical treatment. He's lost some weight and seems to be in the litter box more frequently than normal. So. Positive vibes, please. Steinie hasn't been in the car for years. Suddenly all I can think of is my sis Martine camouflaging her cat Bear's meds in canned mackerel juice. Bear slupped it up without complaint. Can we can assume from this that stinky fish juice is the cat equivalent to Mary Poppins' spoonful of sugar? I expect so. I wonder if I wish really hard if she'll show up and take Steinie to the vet for me. I really should have made an appointment with Ms. Poppins when I called the cat doc over a week ago.

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