Thursday, April 9, 2015

Call Me HAL

Homo Sapiens are said to be the only creatures who can hold two conflicting thoughts in their brains at the same time, giving each equal weight. This uniquely human ability is known as compartmentalization. We file our thoughts away in their own little cubbies and free ourselves from making a decision on any number of issues. I am not good at this. When mutually exclusive informations occur to me, they are not polite little acquiescent bits of stuff that stay put in their assigned compartments. This may have something to do with the monkeys, I can never be sure. They* escape and chase each other about, eventually confronting one another and duking it out until one or the other prevails. The winner then takes up residence in its own comfy spot until some new idea comes along to challenge it. Which brings us to yesterday. When I was experiencing a particularly vexing round of dueling dogma, which I am happy to report was satisfactorily resolved. When I am in the clutches of one of these episodes I tend to unload on a friend. And when that friend happens to also be the unsuspecting source of the conflagration it becomes much too heavy for everyone involved. My muddled brain is settled now thanks to JT Phlaan. He is unflappable, patient, and kind. I am grateful to all the people in my life who find me worth the effort.

*They being the thoughts, not the aforementioned monkeys. Unless they turn out to be one and the same. Which is a distinct possibility.

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