Sunday, May 11, 2014

Daughters of My Heart

The way it worked out is that I gave birth to boys. Who have grown up into very wonderful young men. And it's not that it wasn't enough to mother sons, I never really felt as though something was missing due to the fact that I didn't produce a girlchild. There was no let's have another baby so we can give having a girl one more shot. So I must have known deep down that eventually I would have daughters of a sort. And it ends up that I have Michael and Reid to thank for bringing this miracle about. I call them the daughters of my heart. I had nothing to do with their births or upbringings. They came into my life all grown up and fully themselves and I am so grateful for their friendship. I hesitate to mention any by name for fear I will leave someone out! But I must name my dear daughter-in-law Liz who I have had the pleasure of calling my Darling Dilly for three years now. And AndiBean and Andrea and Brittney. Then there are my friends who generously share the company of their daughters with me. And a couple of wonderful nieces who are now mothers themselves. I feel so very blessed to have so many smart, beautiful and talented young women in my life. They bring me gifts of laughter and youthful energy and trust me with their burdens and sometimes ask for my advice. So on this Mother's Day when motherhood is lauded I'm turning the tables a bit and praising the daughters of my heart. Never doubt that your Mama C loves you. So happy that you are a part of my life.

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