Friday, November 29, 2013

Thank You, Mr. Tyson

I'm pretty sure he wasn't an English major. But this does not exclude him from brilliant wordsmithing! Now that the season is upon us, allow me to share Neil deGrasse Tyson's take on those who might be offended when wished happy holidays...  

"Holiday derives from Holy Day. So it's etymologically under-informed to assert that Happy Holidays does not reference God."

This isn't rocket science, people! It's common sense. And me being in agreeance with him on this particular point has nothing to do with my mild crush on him. And if you choose to be offended by such minor little details of life, how are you going to know what you might actually ought to expend the effort and energy to be genuinely offended by? When someone truly has insulted you! I don't know about you, but I think that existing in a state of perpetual indignation would be exhausting. Lighten up. Oh, and Happy Holidays!

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