Saturday, November 30, 2013

McForrest Gumpfly

In my ongoing effort to educate the younger son by exposing him to the finest in film comedies, earlier this week we viewed Back to the Future. I forgot how funny it is! As well as how eminently quotable. There were several times when we looked at each other with weird facial expressions over the plot point concerning Marty meeting up with the teenage version of his mother. Director and co-writer Robert Zemeckis handled this tricky near incestuous encounter with deft comic timing and sensitivity. Otherwise Reid and I would likely have been squirming in discomfort rather than laughing. Last night I was reminded during the opening credits of Forrest Gump that Zemeckis helmed this film as well. Interesting that both movies examine the intricacies of the mother/son relationship, a rich and layered familial tie that isn't mined for cinematic exposition often enough. But I say that as a mother of sons so I may not be entirely objective on this point. Watch these movies anyway. Even if you're not a mother. 

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