Saturday, September 7, 2013

Your Analysis

I had the grilled jumbo shrimp with a salad and a generous portion of asparagus on the side. It was delicious. A couple of hours later after having imbibed approximately a pound of beer and a pound of water, I excused myself and visited the ladies' room. Whereupon I olfactorily observed a horrible smell and wondered if I had contracted some sort of horrid infection and certain death was imminent. If there was anyone else in the bathroom, they didn't join me when I laughed out loud as I recalled having eaten asparagus earlier. As you may or may not know, asparagus contains sulfurous amino acids that are broken down by the digestive system into malodorous chemical compounds that can be detected within fifteen minutes of ingestion. What I didn't know is that this process happens to everyone who eats asparagus! But only about 25% of us have a sensitive enough nose to detect the pungency of our pee. So, if you don't think your pee stinks, rest assured that your digestive tract is functioning properly. Your nose is just a bit out of whack. Which may save you from experiencing other funky smells. Particularly if you are in a public restroom. Which could be considered a blessing.  

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