Sunday, April 21, 2013

Cosmo Cosmos Revisited

Last night Tami was driving so it seemed an opportune time to determine whether vodka gives me a roaring headache. Tami knows a little about distillation and other sciencey things and was of the opinion that there was no valid reason that vodka should have this unpleasant effect on me. I was willing to apply the benefit of the doubt, since last time I consumed vodka, it may have been overindulgence or perhaps the fact that I had not yet kicked whatever virus was kicking my butt. Was it reaction or relapse? It was time to find out. My favorite way to quaff vodka takes the form of that exquisite twist on the martini known as the Cosmopolitan. Because we are on such friendly terms I call her Cosmo. Since last time I had three, it made sense to drink only two this time. This plan was altered slightly when Lindsey ever so slightly overpoured the Cosmo components into the shaker, resulting in approximately 1.5 beverages for the second round. Despite the fact that I do realize that the validity of any scientific study relies on reduction of variables, I drank the extra .5 Cosmo anyway. Better to skew the results, I rationalized, than offend the spirit spirits. I am happy to report that this morning arrived with absolutely no headache! The question remains as to how many times I will have to repeat this experiment. Until I get it right, I suppose. Or until a large enough sample size has been achieved. Whichever comes first. I prefer not suffering for my art. I mean science.


Tami said...

Well in the interest of science I will again offer to drive so you can freely increase your sample size....To think your headaches might be directly proportional to the volume consumed....

Bellona of Avalon said...

I am so happy to see you are committed to this scientific study! Reduction of variables and a large sample size are key to accurate results! There is also the possibility of setting up a home based lab and including more test subjects!