Friday, September 7, 2012


Laundry room and laboratory both start with "L"!

Six colors, five buckets and one sample size, three brands, two finishes. Cackle over the big bucket, or cauldron, if you prefer, stir thoroughly, and voila!

No worries, Colleen! Almost half done, over two gallons remain, and by direct comparison to the paint chip, it would seem that I nailed the desired color!


The Cranky said...

I need you over at my house asap! =D

Bellona of Avalon said...

Do you have buckets of unused paint cluttering up your living space? Mixing the paint was more fun than making mudpies!

colleen said...

Beautiful! I so love happy accidents, too!

LindaCO said...

I love it when mad scientist experiments work out. Huzzah!