Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Landshark Warning

There's something wrong with his eyes. It took me a while to sort this out, but clearly there's something wrong with his eyes. He looks intently at you, he smiles or laughs when appropriate. He knows intuitively what it is he must do to capture your attention or interest in the moment. But if you look closely, his eyes don't smile when his mouth does. No twinkle whatsoever. They lie there dull like cold fried eggs on a plate. Shark's eyes. Flat and unresponsive as can be. Twin black holes that suck in everything and anything within their indiscriminate range. Inside his personal event horizon there is no room for anyone else. It is then that you understand that it is all about him. I've read that sharks do three things. Only three things. They eat, they swim, they make little sharks. No wonder their eyes are so dead.


D said...

... Candygram ...

colleen said...

Three words. Run. Like. Hell.

Bellona of Avalon said...

Not a dangerous guy, Colleen, just a self-involved, self-impressed pompous jerk.

Andrea, I heard your comment in the classic SNL Chevy Chase voice! You're good.