Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Double Entendre

While in KC with the sisters numerous gifts were exchanged. Miss Pamela brought us gifts from Hawaii and Texas. I adore this wonderfully fragrant soap. But its name has me just a tad confused. Is it to be used for the cleaning of filthy fairies? Or is it perhaps made from or by filthy fairies? I'll just pretend I'm a filthy fairy some time when I come in from a good filthy yard work session. Problem solved. I am similarly perplexed in the spice aisle of the grocery store when I see the shaker of All Purpose Greek Seasoning. What precisely do we season? The Greek food? Food of another ethnic persuasion so that it may seem Greekish? Perhaps could it be used for the seasoning of Greeks themselves if they seem lacking in flavor? Which then brings to mind that episode of The Twilight Zone. Featuring that instructional tome entitled To Serve Man. Talk about your soylent green is people moment. I really hate it when I come up with creepy stuff so close to bedtime. I'll just tuck that bar of Filthy Fairy Soap under my pillow. With any luck it will induce visions of dancing sugar plums. Which is infinitely more pleasant than my current mental picture of a whole new twist on a Greek hamburger. Problem solved.


The Cranky said...

Which brings up the question: 'where does baby oil really come from and does OPEC approve'?

Bellona of Avalon said...

You are every bit as sick and disturbed as I am. And I say that with the utmost respect and admiration.