Saturday, April 14, 2012

Riding & Crawling

With a season opening ten mile bike ride under my belt, I'm heading for Sioux Falls for something called Jazz Crawl. I hope to get some food and drinks under my belt as well. Even though it is a metaphorical belt. I shall be, literally, sans belt. Okay, I wasn't wearing a belt on the bike ride either. Karen was with me for the inaugural bike ride and will be with me tonight, too. I do hope neither of us has to chaperone the other. It seems nasty weather may be rolling in but with any luck it will remain south of us. I'll batten down the hatches before I leave. Though I'm not entirely sure I have engaged in battening before. At any rate, all the doors and windows will be securely latched. All sorts of potential for a bad hair evening. A cute hat and a pony tail holder, don't leave home without them.

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