Thursday, June 30, 2011

Goodbye June, Hello July

I'm just a little whiny due to some tummy trouble. But I've also viewed about forty episodes of thirtysomething in the last week, so whining feels natural. I now have 27 titles on my Netflix instant queue! Suddenly it has become summer and it's kinda hot out there. Feels good to be in the basement office. This may bode well for selling the air conditioner that was left over after my garage sale. It even has a remote! Only eight more mornings for the dutiful call-in-to-work call til my next ortho appointment. Yessirree, will the fourth ortho doc be the charm? Number three certainly wasn't! My birthday, camping, biking, live music weekend rapidly approaches. And LindaCo and I might just wave at each other from opposite sides of I90. It would be fun if we could coordinate to have coffee or a cool drink somewhere along the way. I am currently tabbing over to Facebook where I'm having a spirited and amusing discussion on the English language and its various vagueries. Oh, and despite my intestinal ills, I managed to buck up and submit some poems for publication. And maybe $$! Maybe just copies of the magazine. Six weeks til the deadline. I get knocked down, but I get up again. Where does this relentless optimism come from when I'm half Norwegian and was raised Lutheran? Must be the Southern half. I'll keep y'all posted.

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