Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Dreaded CWH

How in the wide, wide world of, well, anything, did I neglect to brew coffee yesterday morning?? Let's see, hunger upon waking, peanut butter toast with orange juice to remedy tanking blood sugar, beautiful morning, six mile bike ride, thirst following but not for a hot drink...realizing at dinner that I had not consumed caffeine in any form and swiping a few sips of Coke from the younger son...waking this morning to a stiff neck and immovable shoulders and a pain directly behind my eyes that rivals the worst hangover I can imagine. Blinking hurts. Yes, indeed, it has arrived, the Dreaded Caffeine Withdrawal Headache. Am I merely dependent or am I an addict? I love coffee. I can quit drinking it any time I want! Well, actually, I forgot to drink coffee yesterday so that is a possibility. Having partaken in two cups of the evil delicious brew within the last hour, I have been miraculously cured. A socially acceptable vicious cycle that I, along with millions of others, choose to participate in. I raise my mug to all of you fellow caffeine addicts! Cheers!

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